Meet Andrea, also known as Ms. Impactor, an Adjunct Professor at
Harris Stowe State University and an award-winning children’s book author. Read
on to find out how Spanish propelled her to success.
BGLL: Thank you so much for agreeing to share your story!
Tell us about yourself. Who are you and what do you do?
Andrea: My name is Andrea Scott, also known as Ms. Impactor, and I’m from St.
Louis Missouri. I have a Master's in Education and am currently pursuing a
Doctorate's degree in Leadership and Education. By day, I am an Adjunct
Professor at Harris Stowe State University. By night, I am the CEO of Smile
Big, Dream Bigger LLC, a tutoring service I’ve created, where I teach
individuals the Spanish language in a fun and interactive way. When I am not teaching, I visit different
places around the world as an award-winning
bilingual children's book author to promote all three of my books: Smile Big, Dream Bigger, The
Bigger the Fro, the More I Know, and No Limit to Greatness.
BGLL: Wow, those are some amazing accomplishments! Tell
us more about your language journey. How did you get started with Spanish? Do
you speak any other languages?
Andrea: English is my native language and I speak Spanish fluently. I am also
currently learning Arabic. I work with people from different places in the
world and it’s important that I’m able to communicate with them. The people I
work with inspired me to learn more languages. I was nervous about learning
other languages because I was too worried about not pronouncing terms
correctly. My constant reminder to get trying was what helped me to get over
the fear.
BGLL: Which language do you like best?
Andrea: Spanish is my
favorite because I feel like it is part of me. I learned the language very
quickly, and now I am able to share my knowledge with others.
BGLL: What tips would you offer to someone looking to
learn another language?
Andrea: First, immerse yourself in the language (start doing everything in that language-talking
to people who only speak the language you are learning. Second, read books
in your target language (books you’ve already read in your native tongue).
Lastly, travel.
BGLL: How can we keep up with you on social media?
Andrea: You can find me on Instagram @smilebig_dreambigger and on Facebook on Smile Big,
Dream Bigger.
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